Gem Rock! She's a classy lady, isn't she?
Q: When did you start pico? A: I think I started playing Pico in the spring. At the time it was because I was looking for cute facebook games. To be honest I hated it.
What inspired your style? I slapped [one] together because I didn't think I'd be playing for long, until I met Peggy. My Pico's style is inspired by all the street fashion and fashion news I read. :) My favourite fashion blogs are:
Jak and Jil, and
The Sartorialist. My favourite magazine is
Elle. Stylist Joe Zee, stylist/fashion editor for Elle, is my hero :)
Is your personality like your Pico? My Pico personality is me when I'm drunk :) and my Pico personality when I'm drunk is pretty illegible. (lol)
Favorite food?Sushi.
What is your ethnicity?Half Filipino Half Russian
And where in the world is GemRock?Canada! (eh?)

And of course the lovely Ayuhime *coughcough*
Q: When did you start Pico? A: Oh, May? I remember seeing screenshots of Pigg on my friend's Facebook and falling in love with the cuteness.
What inspired your username? There's three parts to thi. One is that, I wanted a Japanese username because I have quite a passion for it. Second, I absolutely adore
Ayumi Hamasaki so I borrowed AYU, and third, isn't it every girl's dream to be a princess? Hime means "princess" in Japanese! AyuHime!
Is your personality like your Pico? Pretty much. I'm much more friendly in Pico. I can be pretty anti-social in person ... but that's just because I'm shy.
Favorite food?Also sushi!
What is your ethnicity?Irish and Italian descent.
And where in the world is Ayuhime?Connecticut, USA.