Monday, October 11, 2010

Ghost Hunting Gacha: Week 2

It's hard to believe that we are already two weeks into October! Halloween is creeping closer, and the excitement for it continues to grow. Just in time for the upcoming holiday, Pico changed the theme of its daily gacha last week to Ghost Hunting. If you were lucky enough to be around, you had the chance for an entire week to acquire your very own flashlight.

gacha flashlight

It would be nice if it actually lit up, but it's semi-free so what do you expect? I'll just use my imaginaaaaaaaaation and pretend the batteries are dead. Since this is a new week, Gacha has been stocked with a brand new item. Well, new to Pico anyways (yep, Pigg already has it). What is the item, you ask?

gacha - ghost umbrella 3

It's the Kidder Paper Umbrella Ghost which is held in your avatar's right hand. Sorry, lefties. You get your time to shine with next week's item. I think this umbrella goes well with my pixel ghost, because they both seem to have a thing for sticking their tongues out. You can all make your own jokes about that comment.

Wondering how to win this item? It's simple:

Click on "Gacha" at the bottom of your screen. Please note, the Daily Gacha items cannot be won through any of the themed Gachas (such as the Caribbean Gacha or Egypt Gacha)

gacha - ghost umbrella

After that, click "Play Gacha." Each spin costs 100 gummies. If you are lucky, you'll win the item in a couple tries. If you are like me, you will need to go through quite a few spins until you receive the umbrella.

gacha - ghost umbrella 2

Don't worry if you can't get it right away. Be persistent and keep trying! You have an entire week to win it before it vanishes. Get it? Like a ghost.



Oh, by the way... does anyone else wonder exactly how a ghost umbrella works? I mean, ghosts are transparent and things tend to go right through them. I wouldn't exactly want to use a ghost umbrella if there was a downpour outside.

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