Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Pico Cribs #27 - Peggy's Dream Room.

Nunasarang's room: full view
nunasarang's Room.

I've been saving this room for my last Pico Cribs. nunasarang is so sweet! I met her when I logged briefly to get props at the Japanese Park. She was quirky and fun, we danced together and then went to ring each other's rooms. When I got to her room I almost died. If I could live anywhere, I would live here! Catero says it's like a "kawaii wet dream" in here and he's right. It's so CUTE, Hello Kitty would approve.

Catero! Eat my cake!

Since this is the final Pico Cribs I asked Catero to prance around with me and share in my room envy. Typically, it would be Gem right along side me in these snapshots but since she's doing her thing in RL, Catero is a fitting substitution. I love this room so much I kind of went a bit nuts with snapshots... these aren't all of them XD

nunasarang, can I move in with you?


  1. Such an awesome toom!!

  2. Hey, um...Catero...you got a little somethin on your head Lol

  3. @ michellekhantong, yeah :-) I just sit or stand where Peggy tells me. I think she likes me topped with roses.

  4. Michelle, Catero's hair smelled pretty bad that day. I didn't want nunasarang to accuse me of stinking up her room!

  5. Samispoon, I know right?! I want to move in so bad!

  6. "Kawaii wet dream" LOL


    -Ora chan
